Online Registration

Instructor Information

Heather Cunningham Heather A. Cunningham has traveled to see animals in their native habitats in several countries around the world. Her goal is to see at least one endangered species in the wild each year. She has taken trips to see wildlife in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Tanzania, Borneo, Australia, Costa Rica, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Canada and India as well as several places in the U.S.  She currently has a wildlife trip to Indonesia planned for 2014.

Using only point-and-shoot digital cameras, she has an extensive collection of wildlife photos. She would like to encourage all animal lovers to see wildlife in their native habitat, and is willing to assist with suggestions of places to go, animals to see, packing lists, how to pick a company to travel with, developing an itinerary, and related topics.