Online Registration


Dates:October 21, 2013
Meets:M from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Location:West Junior High
Instructor:Barbara Leinberger-Bolin
Fee: $16.50  

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Course Description

Learn to be comfortable with your life lessons and acknowledge the wisdom you have acquired. This workshop for women will help you recognize your circle of influence and use your wisdom in daily life.

WHAT: Session is designed for women of all ages. We have gained wisdom from our life experiences, the positive and the not so good!

We are often uncomfortable with the gap between generations. The setting will enable you to more effectively recognize and pass on to others your wisdom.

WHY: Our country is one of the few societies globally that does not universally embrace the wisdom of our elders. This is especially true in today's cultural climate. Families are segmented by economic issues, educational barriers, geographical distances, time constraints and differing values.

These factors are overshadowing our elders' ability to have conversations with younger generations. The knowledge from experiences our elders have gained is a vital missing element for strengthening society for the future.

HOW: During this time together, women will be encouraged to examine life lessons that impacted them throughout the years. This will or can be confidential. Sharing openly may help others to obtain insight for their thoughts and learning (patrons may opt out of sharing if they desire).

It is often difficult for women to acknowledge wisdom as we may think of wisdom in terms of ego. That goes against our old fashioned idea that self centered talk or action is inappropriate for women.

Anyone remember the admonitions of 'don't brag?' Together we will examine the difference between egos and acceptance of your wisdom.  

Please click on instructor link for biography; ages 18+.